How Effective Is Homeopathy in Easing Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

How Effective Is Homeopathy in Easing Negative Symptoms of Menopause

“Homeopathic medicine is a gentle way to address the symptoms of Menopause.”

The menopausal process can be a challenging time for many women. As the ovaries reduce the amount of estrogen and progesterone produced, many women can suffer from mood swings, irritability, depression, poor sleep and weight gain.

While the cessation of periods may be welcome to some, other changes can cause discomfort. Homeopathic medicine is a gentle way to address the symptoms of Menopause.

What is Homeopathy?

How Effective Is Homeopathy in Easing Negative Symptoms of Menopause

Homeopathy is a holistic method of treating the whole person, rather than the disease or condition. Using Homeopathy for Menopause is an excellent method of treatment for many women because the symptoms of the menopausal process impact more than just the sexual organs.

Homeopathic practitioners work with three guiding principles:

  • Let likes cure likes: Practitioners spend a great deal of time with patients to gain a fuller understanding of all their health issues and determine a drug picture for that person.
  • Minimum dose: Once a drug picture has been determined, treatment starts with the minimum dose to reduce the risk of side effects.
  • Single remedy: The sick person undergoes treatment with only one remedy at a time to gain a fuller understanding of the condition and guide both practitioner and patient toward any additional treatment if necessary.

Homeopathic medicine comes to us from the ancient Greeks, but Dr. CF Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) spent a great deal of time testing homeopathic remedies on himself and other healthy people. The process of administering small doses in an effort to treat the condition but not overload the body began with Hahnemann and his other test subjects.

What the Studies Say About Homeopathy’s Effectiveness in Easing Menopause Symptoms?

“Homeopathic treatment has offered documented relief to many women per several studies, including the Journal of the British Menopause Society.”

Homeopathic treatments for the menopausal process specifically target each unique challenge. Due to the fact that the practitioner spends so much time with their patient, they can get a detailed view of each woman’s struggle as she works through the menopausal process.

How Effective Is Homeopathy in Easing Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

For example, Dr. V. Sharma, MD offers detailed treatment plans depending on the combination of symptoms suffered by the woman. While Lachesis can treat hot flashes, ignatia may be a better treatment for someone suffering mood swings. Homeopathy and Menopause offer women undergoing the menopausal process the chance to break down symptoms and address each treatment individually and effectively for maximum health benefits.

Homeopathic treatment has offered documented relief to many women per several studies, including the Journal of the British Menopause Society. Conditions that demonstrated marked improvement included:

  • hot flashes,
  • sleeping pattern changes,
  • depression,
  • anxiety,
  • mood swings, and
  • headaches.

Additionally, many women who were instructed to reduce or stop taking hormone replacement therapy but struggled with the onset of menopausal symptoms got relief from homeopathic treatment.

How to Know If Homeopathy is Right for You?

“The menopausal process is more than just your ovaries. The body, mind and spirit all undergo the menopausal process together.”

Women undergoing the menopausal process will need to dig into their symptoms to use homeopathic treatments to their full advantage. Unfortunately, western medicine has developed a treatment methodology towards women that can be called bikini medicine. This mindset functionally means that women’s health is another phrase for reproductive health.

Be prepared to take your time through this process. The homeopathic tradition works on specific conditions and in very small doses. While a bit of medicine can help you feel somewhat better, your practitioner will go slowly in increasing your dosage to reduce the risk of uncomfortable side effects.

The menopausal process is more than just your ovaries. The body, mind and spirit all undergo the menopausal process together. If you’re ready to work with a physician who actually needs to treat your whole body, spirit and mind, you may find that Homeopathy for Menopause is the medicine you’ve been waiting for!

Final Thoughts

The menopausal process can be compared to puberty. The natural process of preparing your body for child-bearing took years and could be quite tumultuous. Shutting down that engine will also take time.

If you’re frustrated with aspects of western medicine that tend to treat your menopausal process as a breaking down of your worthiness, then working with a homeopathic practitioner may help. Homeopathy and Menopause can be a great team to address your overall health.

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