These are the Natural Remedies for Headaches During Menopause

These are the Natural Remedies for Headaches During Menopause

Menopause and migraine headaches – for many women in the throes of perimenopause, these two seem to go hand-in-hand.

In fact, research has confirmed a link between hormonal fluctuations and the onset of migraine headaches, which may be why three times as many women as men report headaches.

But it doesn’t really help to know this if you are currently suffering from headaches during perimenopause. What you need is to learn what natural remedies for headaches during menopause exist – which is exactly what this article can help you with!

What Causes Headaches During Menopause?

Other research highlights how even women who have not previously suffered from chronic headaches can start developing this symptom during perimenopause.”

These are the Natural Remedies for Headaches During Menopause

Research study results presented at the American Headache Society’s annual conference proved a link between headaches and onset of perimenopause.

This study delivered two important facts.

1. There is a link between declines of the hormone estrogen and increases in headaches.

2. If you already have migraine headaches, you have a 60 percent chance of them worsening during perimenopause.

Other research highlights how even women who have not previously suffered from chronic headaches can start developing this symptom during perimenopause. Here again, estrogen fluctuations are cited as the most likely culprit.

Top Natural Remedies to Ease Headaches During Menopause

“Ginger has tested well in a number of research studies for its pain-relieving properties. The recommended dose is up to 1000mg up to twice per day.”

These are the Natural Remedies for Headaches During Menopause

Each woman is likely to have different menopause symptoms – no two individuals ever have the exact same set or frequency of symptoms. So if you are having a lot of trouble with headaches even though your friends or family members did not, this doesn’t mean something is going wrong.

It is important to know that menopause symptoms often include headaches so you can validate your own symptoms and seek out the right natural remedies.

These time-honored natural remedies for headaches during menopause come highly recommended.

1. Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin).

Taking Vitamin B-2 has been linked to reduction in migraine severity and frequency. 400mg per day is the recommended dose.

2. Magnesium.

Now being touted as a potent sleep aid, magnesium may be one of the most potent remedies for migraines during perimenopause. However, researchers say you have to take it for at least three months before you will see consistent results. The recommended dose is 500mg per day.

3. Coenzyme Q10.

Coenzyme Q10 is another known remedy to ease headaches due to hormone fluctuations. This naturally-occurring substance is present to some degree inside every person and animal, but boosting your natural levels during perimenopause is believed to help lessen headache symptoms. The recommended dose is 150mg per day.

4. Butterbur.

Butterbur is an herb that is known to relieve migraine headaches. This is the main reason butterbur is taken today. The recommended dose is 75mg per day.

5. Feverfew.

Feverfew is an herb with known properties that can help relieve headache symptoms. The recommended dose ranges from 50mg to 150mg per day for up to four months at a time.

6. Ginger.

Ginger has tested well in a number of research studies for its pain-relieving properties. The recommended dose is up to 1000mg up to twice per day.

7. Peppermint.

Peppermint has also tested well in studies where peppermint oil was used to ease headache pain for migraine sufferers. You can drink tea or dab diluted peppermint oil on your forehead and temples.

When to See Your Doctor?

“for your own safety, always talk with your doctor or holistic practitioner before changing or adding to your daily health and supplements regimen.”

The link between onset of perimenopause and chronic headaches and migraines is well-documented. You may want to try different lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies or natural remedies before you seek medical help.

These are the Natural Remedies for Headaches During Menopause

However, if what you have tried to date is not working as you hoped, or if your headaches are interfering with your daily life, it is time to see your doctor to discuss treatment options.

If you are suffering from chronic headaches that appear to be related to the onset of menopause, it can be quite reassuring to realize there are a number of natural remedies for headaches during menopause that are known to be effective.

However, for your own safety, always talk with your doctor or holistic practitioner before changing or adding to your daily health and supplements regimen. This is especially important if you are on any required medications, as some supplements can have interactions.

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