WHAT IS COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY? "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on finding a solution to the root issue rather than treating its symptoms." Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a...
Every woman knows that one day she will go through the process of her ovaries reducing their function. Her hormones shifting dramatically and she will finally cease to have a monthly period. But there are so many...
More than half of the adult population of the United States regularly consumes at least one type of dietary supplement, the most common being various multivitamins. However, there are varying opinions on the effectiveness of such habits....
"Studies show that the 5 to 10 years leading up to menopause is when women are most susceptible to bone loss" According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, more than 44 million Americans...
"Homeopathic medicine is a gentle way to address the symptoms of Menopause." The menopausal process can be a challenging time for many women. As the ovaries reduce the amount of estrogen and...
Climacteric is the time in the woman's life when her ability to have children ceases. After climacteric, the periods of a woman stop. During the transition between a woman's fertile period of life and the time after...

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