Does Keto Diet Can Ease Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

Does Keto Diet Can Ease Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

There are few things as difficult for women to deal with as they approach middle age as menopause. The hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, hair growth and hot...
Weight Gain During Menopause

Weight Gain During Menopause: Is It Normal?

Virtually every woman will go through menopause. It tends to occur in the late 40s to about the early to mid 50s. In addition to hot flashes...
How to Make Your Menopause a Rewarding Experience

How to Make Your Menopause a Rewarding Experience

Climacteric is a little like an initiation. You go from one phase of your life to another. It is the time when reproductive functions cease. You are...
Painful Sex During Menopause

Painful Sex During Menopause: When to Get Worried?

Experiencing the natural changes that accompany menopause does not have to signal the end of sex for a woman. Yes, it is a time of transition that...
Menopause and Insomnia: Natural Remedies That Can Help You Sleep Better

Menopause and Insomnia: Natural Remedies That Can Help You Sleep Better

The changes a woman goes through at the end of her reproductive period are called menopause. This is a completely normal condition that every woman experiences in...
Decrease in Libido During Menopause

Decrease in Libido During Menopause? Here’s How You Can Deal With It

A decrease in libido, or sex drive, is a common occurrence that accompanies both men and women with age. However, while both men and women experience this...