Chinese Herbs for Menopause: Are They Effective?

Chinese Herbs for Menopause: Are They Effective?

“Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center recommends Chinese Ginseng for overall health support.”

Many women find that menopausal symptoms can be managed with herbal supplements. To do this effectively, it’s often a good idea to break the symptoms down individually. For example, some women struggle more with hot flashes while others have trouble concentrating. 

Luckily, Chinese herbal treatments support health in general, so no matter which symptom bothers you the most, you can probably find a supplement to serve. As the menopausal process progresses, you may find that you need additional support in another area.

What are the Most Popular Chinese Herbs for Menopause?

Chinese Herbs for Menopause: Are They Effective?

Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center recommends Chinese Ginseng for overall health support. If hot flashes make it hard to sleep, ginseng can help you relax. 

If you struggle to concentrate or have low energy, ginseng can reduce the struggle by boosting your ability to focus. Black cohosh is also highly recommended for hot flashes, as is red clover.

How Effective Are They?

“When trying a new supplement for your menopausal symptoms, be sure to start small at first and increase your dosage with great care.”

One of the challenges to using Chinese Herbs for Menopause management is that herbal supplements simply take more time to build up in you body and produce a measurable outcome. In addition, while drug therapies for Menopause have undergone stringent testing, the process of manufacturing herbal supplements, the distribution and the dosage are not well regulated, so your reaction may not be the same as a family member or a friend.

It should also be noted that the dosage of prescription medications is tied to your body weight to make sure that you’re taking the correct amount for someone of your size. However, herbal supplements generally come in tablet form and are suggested at a standard dosage. When trying a new supplement for your menopausal symptoms, be sure to start small at first and increase your dosage with great care.

Some supplements may also interfere with prescription medications you’re taking. For example, one of the common Chinese Herbs for Menopause that gets a lot of use is Dong Quai. If your menstrual cycle has become irregular, you may get back on schedule with a regular dosage of Dong Quai.

However, this supplement has intense Phytoestrogenic properties. If you’re already on estrogen, or have been taken off of estrogen because of cardiac risk or a history of some cancers, Dong Quai may not be a safe supplement for you to use. Take care to review your supplement plans with your physician so you’re not actively fighting your treatment plan.

Common Side Effects

“While Chinese ginseng is promoted as a helpful supplement for conditions from the menopausal process to menstrual cramps to ADHD, your doctor should be made aware if you’re taking this supplement.”

Chinese Herbs for Menopause: Are They Effective?

When using supplements, be sure to monitor your digestive reaction. For example, teas such as Er-Xian decoction, a Chinese herbal blend noted for reducing hot flashes and protecting against osteoporosis, can also cause stomach hyperacidity.

Black cohosh has long been touted as a way to reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes. However, this supplement can cause headaches and may ultimately cause liver damage. 

Additionally, any woman with a personal or family history of breast or uterine cancer must discuss the use of this supplement with their physician. Finally, if you’re on birth control pills in an effort to get your menstrual cycle back in order, do not use black cohosh.

While Chinese ginseng is promoted as a helpful supplement for conditions from the menopausal process to menstrual cramps to ADHD, your doctor should be made aware if you’re taking this supplement. It can also be known as Red Berry, Ren Shen, Baie Rouge and other names. Avoid taking multiple types of ginseng. Additionally, this supplement should be avoided for two weeks before surgery or dental work as it can lead to excessive bleeding in high dosages.

Many Chinese herbal therapies are mixed into teas and combined with green tea. While green tea is high in antioxidants and a healthier form of caffeine than coffee, this tea can be highly acidic, cause stomach upset and tooth discoloration.

Final Thoughts

Chinese Herbs for Menopause: Are They Effective?

It’s important to remember that menopause will take time. The process of going through puberty and developing the ability to bear children wasn’t easy or quick, and shut that engine down will not be a rapid process. 

Be gentle with yourself. Take care to monitor your diet so you are well-nourished. Work to keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet so you can get the best quality rest. Your body is changing and needs the best nutrition possible and plenty of sleep.

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