These are the Reasons You are Losing Weight During Menopause

These are the Reasons You are Losing Weight During Menopause

As a woman begins to mature and her body starts to change, the idea of losing weight at an unwanted pace becomes startling. There are many things to think about when losing weight like how you look, what to wear when losing weight, or worrying about the loss of muscles. Simply put, as the menopausal period of life rears its head, shedding pounds and becoming skinnier become a daunting process.

“losing weight at an unwanted rate usually leads to fatigue, mental fog and the inability to lead a normal life, it usually renders many women feeling powerless.”

Fortunately for us, we now understand why this occurs and what steps we can immediately implement to rectify this situation. If you’re beginning to notice the scale number becoming smaller and smaller, you’ll want to explore these topics to gain control of your weight.

What Causes Weight Loss During Menopause?

Weight fluctuation during a woman’s change is, without a doubt, one of the most common side effects. While most women seem to experience some sort of weight gain during the process, some women notice that they lose weight. Although losing weight at an unwanted rate usually leads to fatigue, mental fog and the inability to lead a normal life, it usually renders many women feeling powerless.

“When our system becomes less sensitive to estrogen and progesterone, this can affect our appetite and causes some women to under-eat.”

To understand this weight fluctuation in the body, we need to explore the hormonal changes developing below the surface. Without getting into the scientific details, it’s essential to know that our ovaries produce two hormones that control our biological functions: estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are what assist you through your menstrual cycles, maintain fertility and allow you to feel like an empowered woman.

However, our menopause symptoms can wreak havoc on these hormones. In short, the ovaries stop producing eggs within the ovarian follicles and our system becomes less sensitive to estrogen and progesterone. This has an adverse affect on our appetite and causes some women to under-eat as the process occurs.

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight During Menopause

“For women that are losing weight at a rapid rate, eating over this limit will cause our weight loss to stop dead in its tracks!”

The basis of any diet regimen is a foundation of consistency. It’s easy for us to get lost in the minutia of our day and ignore what we eat as we opt for fast food, candy and sugary snacks. We need to make a commitment and a promise to ourselves that we will monitor and maintain our diet even when our lives are running amok.

Our first step is to find out how many calories our body needs to maintain its current weight by using a maintenance calculator. This calculation will provide an accurate forecast of how many calories we should consume during our day to maintain the weight that we want. For women that are losing weight at a rapid rate, eating over this limit will cause our weight loss to stop dead in its tracks!

How Do I Stay Fit During Menopause?

Now that we’re monitoring our calories and opting for smarter meal choices, we need to begin a training routine that not only fights back against menopause symptoms, but assists our body. Before starting your fitness journey, remember this: Menopause and weight loss are not mutually exclusive. With enough will power and determination, we can remove unwanted weight loss from our lives and sculpt the body of our dreams.

During our womanly change, our bone strength begins to dwindle and the chances of developing arthritis rises. The way that we can fight back against this occurrence is by incorporating a strength-training routine into our daily habits. Located below are a few exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home or gym to build lean muscle and bone density:

  • Walking with light dumbbells
  • Yoga
  • Crossfit
  • Stretching routines
  • Balancing techniques
  • Long-distance cardio
  • Hiking
  • Bike riding

Each of these practices, when performed on a day-to-day basis, make menopause and weight loss easier to manage!

Lead Life On Your Terms

For the women out there that may be going through this change, fear not! With the right plan put in place, and a little help from our loved ones, menopausal side effects can be placed on the back burner. Remember to use the techniques and strategies listed above as your personal tool kit to thwart off unwanted weight loss, hormonal changes and lifestyle disruptions. You are a strong, powerful and unique woman that can handle anything that life throws your way!

Sources & References:–osteoporosis


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