How to Ease Depression During Menopause

How to Ease Depression During Menopause

Ladies, let’s face it: Going through menopause while trying to juggle the responsibilities that we’ve acquired throughout our life can be tough. Combine with this the fact that we’re still required to show up for work, exercise regularly, maintain a social life and eat healthy and we have a recipe for poor mental health.

Although this transition in our life may seem daunting, there are tried-and-true techniques and strategies that can be used to boost our mental well being and allow us to live life on our terms. If you’re tired of struggling, or you simply want to feel better in your day-to-day activities, try these methods out and see if they work for you!

What Causes Depression During Menopause?

“This fluctuation in our hormonal profile can lead to a list of mental challenges that cause us to stagger and struggle throughout the day.”

It’s important to know that depression during menopause is a result of a biological change that is taking place below the surface of our skin. In general terms, our ovaries are lined with follicles that drop eggs when we ovulate throughout the month. Once we reach a certain age, these eggs are no longer present in our follicles and our ovaries become less sensitive to estrogen and progesterone — the two hormones responsible for our womanhood, fertility and sexual appetite.

This fluctuation in our hormonal profile can lead to a list of mental challenges that cause us to stagger and struggle throughout the day. A brief list of menopause symptoms that you may have experienced can be found below:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Low sexual appetite
  • Mental fog
  • Irritability
  • Emotional outbursts
  • Manic behavior
  • Difficulty communicating
  • Headaches

Although each of these menopause symptoms create new obstacles, they can be managed and alleviated through over-the-counter products and productive habits — don’t lose faith!

Natural Remedies for Depression During Menopause

“Red clover and dong quaican regulate our natural hormones and even thwart off the risk of developing breast cancer in the future.”

Our first inclination when dealing with these symptoms may be to rush to our doctor to get a prescription to treat our issues. However, it should be noted that natural remedies for depression during menopause can be found in our local store. Black cohosh, for example, has been shown to alleviate hot flashes and produce a positive state of mind when taken regularly. Even though the evidence of its effectiveness are still inconclusive, thousands of women have been using black cohosh to thwart off their depression and kick their life into second gear.

In conjunction with this, we may want to look into products such as red clover and dong quai. Both of these plant-based supplements contain Phytoestrogens — a compound that resembles human estrogen — and has been shown to regulate our natural hormones and even thwart off the risk of developing breast cancer in the future. We can begin adding these ingredients into our meals and daily routine to ensure that our mental attitude and stamina remains elevated no matter what life throws our way!

How to Boost Your Mental Health During Menopause

“Science has shown that cardiovascular exercise not only keeps us in shape, it helps us reaming happy and positive”

More important than what supplements we chose to use during our transition is what habits and routines we follow along our journey. Depression and feeling gloomy require time and effort to uphold over an extended period of time. Knowing this, we can begin to interrupt negative thought patterns by quickly moving onto routines and practices that facilitate positive mental health.

The next time you find yourself falling into a moment of despair, cut that moment off and go for a quick workout. Science has shown that cardiovascular exercise not only keeps us in shape, it helps us reaming happy and positive even in the most dire moments.

The World Is Your Oyster

How to  Ease Depression During Menopause

During this entire process, never forget that you are strong and capable of anything you put your mind and efforts towards. Instead of being a victim of your hormonal changes, tackle them head on like the strong, confident woman that you are.

Take each negative setback as another opportunity to grow and expand yourself. Push past those non-existent barriers and prove to yourself that you’re in control of your own life. By doing this on a day-to-day basis, you will successfully conquer menopause and live to tell the tale to other women!

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