These Essential Oils for Menopause Can Boost Your Immune System


Climacteric is the time in the woman’s life when her ability to have children ceases. After climacteric, the periods of a woman stop. During the transition between a woman’s fertile period of life and the time after climacteric, certain menopause symptoms can occur.

Every woman goes through menopause in a different manner. The climacteric can be very taxing on a woman’s immune system. That is why it is important to take steps in boosting her immune system while going through the whole process of climacteric.

“changes that happen during the climacteric, such as difficulty sleeping, changing in the levels of bacteria, decrease in physical activity, and the changing appetite, can all indirectly affect a woman’s immune system.”

How the Negative Symptoms of Menopause Can Affect Your Immune System?

These Essential Oils for Menopause Can Boost Your Immune System

During a woman’s climacteric, the immune system can be greatly suppressed. Is due to the decrease of estrogen and progesterone, which has an indirect impact on the woman’s immunity. During climacteric, there is a decrease in T-cells that are a vital part of controlling the immune system’s response. These cells are also important in fighting bacteria and destroying cancer cells. This is why women who are going through climacteric are more susceptible to infections.

This is why women going through this transition have a greater incidence of urinary tract infections. Other than this, the climacteric of a woman can boost cortisol levels. Cortisol is also known as the hormone of stress. Its increase in the body can lead to a weaker immune response. Other changes that happen during the climacteric, such as difficulty sleeping, changing in the levels of bacteria, decrease in physical activity, and the changing appetite, can all indirectly affect a woman’s immune system.

These Five Essential Oils Can Help Boost Your Immune System During Menopause

Certain essential oils for menopause can boost your immune system. These oils are gentle for the body as they come from natural sources. A woman going through climacteric and menopause symptoms can make use of these essential oils to increase her protection from various diseases.

1. Lemon essential oil

Lemon is a great essential oil to use during periods of lowered immunity. It has a detoxifying effect on the whole body and can be used daily. With this powerful natural oil, you can cleanse your body from any toxic buildups and harmful bacteria. Put a couple of drops into a glass of water, and drink it early in the morning for an invigorating start of the day.

“Oregano is very powerful in strengthening the whole immune system in fighting off infections.”

2. Oregano essential oil

Oregano is an oil that has potent antibiotic qualities. In fact, it is commonly referred to as the antibiotic of nature. It is very powerful in strengthening the whole immune system in fighting off infections. A couple of drops of it can be put into a carrier oil as such as olive and coconut oil.

3. Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense is a great immune booster. It is used to boost the body’s production of white blood cells – the natural fighters of the immune system. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit the whole organism and alleviate the work of the immune system.

4. Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus can support the upper respiratory system and stop congestion in the airways. It’s great to be used through steaming methods and into a hot shower. Its antibacterial properties will be received by the body through the breath and through the skin. The biggest chance of getting an infection or a cold is through people coughing around you. Preventively using eucalyptus will boost the woman’s ability to protect her body from constantly catching the flu.

“Peppermint is often used to boost the immune system because it detoxifies the body.”

5. Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint is one of the most widely used oils in the world. It can be used for headaches, as a digestion booster, or to increase concentration. It is often used to boost the immune system because it detoxifies the body.


These Essential Oils for Menopause Can Boost Your Immune System

Essential oils are some of the most natural remedies for any kind of health condition. To boost your immune system, you will want to have the best ingredients on your side. The best part is that essential oils have very few contraindications. Just make sure to test each one out in small doses when you begin using it.

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