Dry Skin During Menopause: 8 Natural Remedies to Maintain a Healthy-Looking Skin

Dry Skin During Menopause 8 Natural Remedies to Maintain a Healthy-Looking Skin

Women go through a lot of changes during their menopausal years. One of the changes that they may notice is dry skin. Not only does dry skin look bad, but it can also be one of the most uncomfortable menopause symptoms.

If you are dealing with dry skin, you should know that you aren’t alone. Here’s more information about what causes this dryness, natural remedies you should try and when it’s time to see a doctor.

“Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, the co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatological Laser Surgery, said that as menopause approaches and estrogen production diminishes, dry, itchy skin becomes very common”

What are the Causes of Dry Skin During Menopause?

One of the biggest culprits of dry skin during the menopausal years is from hormone changes. Once a woman stops releasing eggs the amount of estrogen she produces will decline. This will in turn cause dry skin. There are also other things that can lead to dry skin during the menopausal years. These include vitamin deficiencies and hypothyroidism. Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, the co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatological Laser Surgery, said that as menopause approaches and estrogen production diminishes, dry, itchy skin becomes very common. Women don’t have to just deal with this uncomfortable menopausal symptom. There are some ways that it can be treated.

The Top 8 Natural Remedies to Prevent or Treat Dry Skin During Menopause

“Honey is a great choice for those with very dry skin”

With so many different changes going on, the last thing many women want to do is take medication or apply prescription ointment to their dry skin. Fortunately, there is an alternative. There are numerous natural remedies to treat dry skin. Many of them are easy to use and affordable. These natural remedies include:

1. Aloe vera treats dry skin, and soothes irritation. You can use either aloe vera straight off of the plant, or you can use aloe vera juice.

2. Coconut oil adds much needed moisture to skin. It is a great alternative to lotion.

3. Petroleum jelly helps hydrate the skin. It is inexpensive and easy to find.

4. Honey is a great choice for those with very dry skin. It’s best to place honey on the skin, and you should let it sit for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, you should rinse it off with water.

5. Olive oil has many nutrients in it. Because of this, it’s a great choice to put on dry skin.

6. Milk is great at soothing dry skin. It’s best to put it on directly after a bath.

7. Pureed avocado has a lot of healing properties. When using it on dry skin, it’s best to use fresh avocado.

8. Shea butter has a lot of fatty acids in it. These acids are especially beneficial for treating a variety of skin conditions.

In addition to putting these eight ingredients onto your skin, there are also some other things that you can do to combat dry skin. If you are feeling itchy, take an oatmeal bath. It can get rid of itchiness and any irritation. Just make sure that the water isn’t too hot, or it can make your skin even drier. Exfoliating can also be helpful. Sugar scrubs are gentle on skin, and they will remove dead skin cells.

When to See Your Doctor

“Once your condition goes from just an annoyance to being uncomfortable, then it is time to speak with your doctor so that they can treat you further”

While dry skin is completely normal during menopause, there may come a time to where you need to see a doctor. If none of the remedies mentioned above alleviate your condition, you may need professional help. If your skin bleeds or develops red patches, you need to see a doctor so that they can treat you with prescription medications. Once your condition goes from just an annoyance to being uncomfortable, then it is time to speak with your doctor so that they can treat you further.

Just because you are dealing with menopause symptoms, it doesn’t mean that one of them you have to just deal with is dry skin. By utilizing the remedies mentioned above, you should have a lot of success at getting rid of your dry skin. If none of them work, then it’s time to see a doctor. Most dry skin issues caused by menopause can be treated on your own, but there may be some underlying issues that only a doctor can treat.

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