Here’s How You Can Treat Menopause-Related Acne

Here's How You Can Treat Menopause-Related Acne

“Menopausal acne is attributed to hormonal changes.”

Menopause-related acne is tied to fluctuations in a woman’s hormones. While acne is typically worst during puberty, when hormonal changes are at their height, it can also affect adults of any age. It’s more common in women, and experts attribute a lot of this to menstruation and menopausal change. But why?

What Causes Acne to Appear During Menopause?

Here's How You Can Treat Menopause-Related Acne

Menopausal acne is attributed to hormonal changes. The skin problem develops as a response to the changes that the woman is experiencing at that time, particularly to a rise in androgens such as testosterone. 

When androgen levels rise and sebum production increases. Sebum is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands, which help to keep the hair and skin moisturized. However, having too much sebum changes the activity of skin cells, causing pores to clog and inflame, as well as leading to potential infection near the hair follicles. 

All of these changes lead to acne. However, some researchers have pointed out that menopause-related acne may not be due to rising androgen levels, at all. They note that most women entering this stage of life actually have androgen levels that fall within the normal range: the difference is in the falling levels of estrogen. Per this suggestion, it could be this imbalance that is responsible for the acne flares that occur during this point in a woman’s life.

Natural Remedies to Manage Acne During Menopause

“Tea tree oil is a great option for all skin types, as it decreases inflammation that is known to contribute to acne.”

Natural Remedies to Manage Acne During Menopause

While there are a plethora of both prescription-grade and over-the-counter medications and ointments that can be utilized in the treatment of menopause-related acne natural remedies are often the safer way to go. Natural treatments have the added benefits of being free of pesky or potentially severe side effects. 

Tea tree oil is a great option for all skin types, as it decreases inflammation that is known to contribute to acne. This natural substance is available in many skin care products, such as natural cleansers and toners, as well as on its own as a spot treatment, though it should be diluted a bit with a carrier oil (such as coconut, jojoba, or olive) before being applied directly to the skin. 

As a general rule of thumb, add 12 drops of carrier oil for every two drops of essential oil. Alpha hydroxy acids from citrus fruits are also effective in removing dead skin cells that clog the pores. Furthermore, they can also minimize the appearance of acne scars. 

When treating menopause-related acne natural remedies should first be assessed by completing a skin patch test, to ensure that the skin is not sensitive to that particularly substance. For those who prefer to drink their way toward clean skin, green tea is known to decrease inflammation in the body and promote healthy, clear, radiant skin.

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Skin During Menopause

“While change cannot be avoided, certain negative experiences, like acne in middle age, can be avoided, treated, and/or controlled with the correct healthy habits and skincare routines.”

Natural Remedies to Manage Acne During Menopause

Adopting and practicing healthy skincare habits and routines is important throughout youth, especially if a woman hopes to preserve her skin as she ages. However, this does not change or disappear in middle and older age, though it does look a bit different. 

As hormone levels begin to change- some increasing drastically while some plummet- the skin goes through changes that it has never seen before. However, there is another element to consider when considering skincare in middle age. 

Collagen production decreases, making the skin more dry, slack, and thin. It loses its suppleness and, without external intervention, this will unfortunately never return again. As such, it is extremely important to maintain and take care of one’s skin up to and during this time in life. Reduced collagen makes the skin less able to recover, heal itself, and bounce back. 

Using organic products, always wearing sunscreen, and making sure to gently cleanse, exfoliate, and tone the skin throughout life and during middle-age is thus crucial for skin health and appearance.

No woman wants to admit that she is getting older. Everyone would like to have glowing, youthful skin for all of their lives, neglecting to fall privy to the aging process. While change cannot be avoided, certain negative experiences, like acne in middle age, can be avoided, treated, and/or controlled with the correct healthy habits and skincare routines. Embrace the privilege of aging, without losing your sense of self to acne.

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