These are the Top Uncommon Symptoms of Menopause

These are the Top Uncommon Symptoms of Menopause

If you are about to get into menopause, you probably expect to experience night sweats, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes. However, this phase in every woman’s life is marked by a fluctuation of hormone levels that can result in other surprising symptoms.

Although not much has been researched and discussed on different menopausal symptoms, they are relevant and deserve some attention. Besides, you wouldn’t want to freak out over a menopausal symptom you had no idea existed. If you notice any health challenge that impacts your quality of life, talk to your doctor.

Here is the list of Uncommon Symptoms of Menopause that you should know.

“Many women who had acne, psoriasis and eczema in their teenage years experience it again later in life.”

1. Changes in the senses of smell and taste

Your sense of taste and smell might reduce or increase. Many women experience heightened senses during Menopause. Some start smelling their body odor, which is something they barely noticed previously.

You may also experience a decreased sense of taste; to the extent of not liking the foods, you usually would. Sometimes the food you loved a lot might start making you sick, and you are unable to stand it any longer.

The cause(s)

The changes result from decreased zinc levels. Your body requires a lot of zinc during this phase. Since zinc is responsible for both taste and senses of the smell, there isn’t enough of it during this time.

Natural remedies to ease the changes in taste and smell

Consider taking zinc supplements for about a month or two. You may also supplement your diet with zinc-filled foods such as meat, nuts, shellfish, dairy, eggs, dark chocolate, and some vegetables.

2. Skin problems

Many women who had acne, psoriasis and eczema in their teenage years experience it again later in life. You might feel that this is weird because it was so long ago when you experienced these skin issues.

The cause(s)

Your body is under pressure, with all the changes that are taking place. It has to cope with the fluctuating hormone levels. Because of the extra energy, you are using up; these old skin issues are likely to reappear.

Natural remedies to ease skin problems

Work on conserving your energy levels. Check your diet and find supplements to support your immune system.

“Fluctuating estrogen levels could be affecting your sight. That is why you should visit an optician and mention that you are going through menopause symptoms.”

3. Visual/spatial awareness

One of the things that most people have a challenging time around is to realize that their visual perception has changed. Imagine being unable to walk into a door straight because you always bump into doors. It might also affect how you drive.

The cause(s)

Fluctuating estrogen levels could be affecting your sight. That is why you should visit an optician and mention that you are going through menopause symptoms. The optician will take your estrogen levels into account when developing a wholesome treatment for you.

Natural remedies to ease spatial awareness

Eat protein with every meal, learn stress management techniques, and eat fatty fish regularly.

“Just like for hot flushes, cold flashes are triggered by changing diet, lifestyle, and hormones.”

4. Cold flashes

You may have heard about hot flushes, but “cold flashes” is a new term. Some women experience an extreme feeling of cold around their tummy area. Others also start getting a cold flush.

The cause(s)

Just like for hot flushes, cold flashes are triggered by changing diet, lifestyle, and hormones. It might also indicate a low functioning thyroid, which is why you should get checked by a physician.

Natural remedies to ease cold flushes

Include these substances in your diet: sage, red clover, primrose oil, ginseng, and kava.

5. Feeling spaced out

It is rare for women to feel spaced out during this phase, but it isn’t entirely impossible. Some ladies feel like they don’t belong to the planet anymore and that they should be elsewhere.

The cause(s)

Dehydration is the biggest culprit. It caused also be due to high levels of anxiety and stress, which are Menopause Symptoms.

Natural remedies to ease the feeling of being spaced out

These are the Top Uncommon Symptoms of Menopause

Take a lifestyle audit. Consider everything that is going on and see if you are overwhelmed. Sometimes all it takes is a break and some rest. Don’t overburden yourself with the cares of life.

Now you have some insight into the Uncommon Symptoms of Menopause. In case you have experienced these signs, you have an idea of why it has been happening and some natural remedies to ease the effects. It is advisable to visit a doctor whenever you notice changes in your health and well-being.

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