These Hilarious Menopause Memes Will Make Your Day

These Hilarious Menopause Memes Will Make Your Day Featured Photo Final

Menopause is literally a life-changing experience for women. While you lose something that makes you distinctly female, and that loss may be viewed as a negative or positive depending on how you feel about menstruating, half of all women gain a plethora of very unpleasant menopausal symptoms. It can feel overwhelming, lonely, and discouraging for both you and those around you if you don’t find some way to extract the humor out of the situation.

Without ado, here are 20 hilarious menopause memes to help you find that spoonful of humor amongst the seriousness.

The Top 20 Hilarious Menopause Memes

“the previous estimates on how long hot flashes last is now seven to 10 years. That’s a lot of melted ice for some women.”

The Top 20 Hilarious Menopause Memes

Around 80 percent of menopausal women experience hot flashes to some degree. For some, it’s just an uncomfortable sensation. For others, it may feel like their skin could melt sheets of ice. The worst part is that science doesn’t really have an explanation on why menopausal women get hot flashes.

According to Rebecca Thurston, director of the Women’s Biobehavioral Health Lab at the University of Pittsburgh, the previous estimates on how long hot flashes last is now seven to 10 years. That’s a lot of melted ice for some women.

Irritability is another common symptom. WebMd explains how a number of factors like ethnicity, medical history, when you started menstruating, tobacco use, and so forth can influence when you become menopausal, but the average age is around 50.

You have to work until you’re at least 66 for full Social Security retirement, and the majority of women fill jobs dealing directly with the public. So, it can be an impending public relations disaster for working women having a decade or two left to work with menopausal symptoms like irritability.

As if being irritable alone wasn’t enough, menopausal years can be a total emotional rollercoaster. Estrogen plays a role in the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that’s involved with mood and impulse control. Dr. Hilary Jones recently explained to the Daily Mail UK that 75 percent of women suffer low mood as the result of hormonal changes, and many don’t even realize that their mood changes are the result of premenopausal and menopausal activity.

It’s no coincidence that around 30% of women aged 50 to 59 are obese. Weight gain is something many menopausal women suffer with as their estrogen levels deplete. Yet, between the hot flashes, irritability, and mood swings, exercise is often the last thing on your to-do list.

For some women, this is a stage of life that can bring a lot of resentful feelings toward others who aren’t empathetic to or experiencing the menopausal physical and psychological changes. It can seriously make you want to be a different gender or species.

Pauline Maki, PhD, professor of psychiatry and psychology and director of women’s health research at the University of Illinois in Chicago, explains that some 60% of menopausal women suffer forgetfulness and have trouble concentrating. This “memory fog” can be quite embarrassing and frightening. In fact, Maki says some women even fear they’re developing dementia during this time.

When menopausal symptoms stack up, it can be very apparent that you and your significant other are living out days quite differently. However, if it’s any consultation, doctors are reporting increasing numbers of men going through male-menopause as their androgen levels decrease with age.

The ‘crazy’ of it all can seem like a bottomless pit, especially if you suffer through premenopausal symptoms before ever getting there. Premenopausal symptoms can last two to ten years and involve everything from hot flashes and migraines to vaginal and bladder issues.

The menopausal stage of life can be a grieving process for some women. There’s a loss of youth, reproductive ability, and an array of other personalized feelings of loss. One of the stages of grieving is denial. In a guest post on the Red Hot Mamas website, breast cancer survivor Haralee Weintraub described how many women she’s encountered would actually rather face a life threatening disease than admit they’re menopausal.

From that first big milestone of walking to gaining your first senior citizen discount, life is full of transitional moments. For many, though, none of these transitions will be as long, confusing, blurry, and tiresome as the menopausal stage of life.

Yep, to add insult to injury, many menopausal women have night sweats atop their hot flashes.

What kind of party would this be without a sleepy dwarf in the mix? According to the Sleep Foundation, 61 percent of post-menopausal women report insomnia. Poor sleep quality and next-day fatigue, of course, only worsen irritability, brain fog, and moodiness. It can be a vicious cycle of night sweats keeping you up and sleeplessness causing mood and psychological disruption.

“While your eyebrows and the hair on your head tends to fall out, thin, and grow slowly, your facial hair decides to go into overdrive. Fun times, right?”

One of the most ironic things about menopause is your hair situation. While your eyebrows and the hair on your head tends to fall out, thin, and grow slowly, your facial hair decides to go into overdrive. Fun times, right?

Your brain chemistry and blood flow really does change during this time, which affects your decision making and thought processes. As Everyday Health points out, these changes can cause psychological symptoms, including lower self-esteem, drive, and security. The result is vulnerability that can often lead to being overly sensitive and blatantly honest, and that can get you into some awkward and embarrassing situations.

Goodbye to your mouth filter with that blatant honesty menopausal women often suffer.

Dr. Sheryl M. Green, an assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at McMaster University, explained to Real Simple that the risk of depression is heightened for menopausal women, especially those with a history of it.

A meme just to remember that this isn’t a cakewalk for those around us.

Seeking medical advice for your menopausal symptoms is just one part of the equation. Holly Thacker, MD, director of the Women’s Health Center at the Cleveland Clinic and author of Women’s Health: Your Body, Your Hormones, Your Choices, tells Everyday Health how having a good support system and talking about your experiences with others may help.

Menopausal hormonal imbalances can also cause problems in the romance department, making it real tempting to want to put your significant other’s still racing libido into a time-out corner.

“Remember to find the positive when, where, and how you can.”

Remember to find the positive when, where, and how you can. As New Life Outlook suggests, turn menopause challenges into meaningful opportunities.

Hopefully, you’ve gained some laughs from these menopause memes. You might’ve even learned some useful information. While it’s a serious subject, it can often help to find the humor in dysfunction. And, menopausal women can certainly be synonymous with dysfunction, right?

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