These are the Questions About Menopause Most Women Are Embarrassed to Ask

These are the Questions About Menopause Most Women Are Embarrassed to Ask

“many women feel uncomfortable asking their doctor or even friends about menopause.”

Menopause is something that most women dread. While the average age for menopause to begin is age 51, it can occur anywhere from age 30 to age 60. Symptoms vary from woman to woman, but typical signs usually includes hot flashes, irregular periods, trouble sleeping and changes in mood.

Unfortunately, many women feel uncomfortable asking their doctor or even friends about this time in their life. Let’s take a look at some of the questions that women are embarrassed to ask.

The Top 6 Menopause Questions A Lot of Women are Embarrassed to Ask

1. Are These Hot Flashes Normal?

A large majority of women will experience hot flashes both during the day and night. They come on without warning, and hot flashes feel like a spike in fever. They can occur in the hot summer months, but they’re not uncommon in the winter as well. These flashes of heat occur from changes in hormone levels in the body throughout the course of the day. It’s important for a woman to understand these hot flashes so they can make themselves more comfortable when they occur.

2. Are My Bones Affected?

As a person ages, they may begin to experience changes in their body. Many people in their 50’s and upwards will experience weakened bone health. Osteoporosis can occur when estrogen isn’t being produced as frequently. Many women are embarrassed to bring this possibility up. They feel like they are really aging from all of these changes.

3. Do These Hormonal Changes Affect Heart Health?

Some heart diseases can present themselves when a woman’s menstrual cycle is coming to an end. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms of heart disease are the same as hormonal changes. This includes palpitations, dizziness and changes in blood pressure. It’s a good idea to get checked out just to be sure that your heart is ok. Lowering levels of estrogen can change the flexibility of arteries and put you at a higher risk of something like a stroke.

4. Why the Weight Gain?

Changes in hormone levels can cause a woman to gain more weight. This is similar to the incessant hunger that many pregnant women experience. While you might not be growing another human being, your body’s metabolism is moving fast. This will eventually even out.

5. Is There Anything That can be Done Naturally?

While a gynecologist may recommend hormone therapy to deal with symptoms, there are natural ways to help balance the body’s hormones. This can include eating healthy, staying physically active and fit and reducing stress. Don’t be afraid to ask about natural options if this is something you’re more comfortable with.

6. Why Don’t I Want to Have Sex Anymore?

Unfortunately, one of the side effects of lowered testosterone is lowered libido. Many women are afraid that they won’t ever want to have sex again. Fortunately, the body will even back out. That libido may perk back up again.

The Reasons a Lot of Women are Still Hesitant to Ask Questions about Their Body

“It’s important to communicate with a trusted medical professional about menopause questions that you have.”

Depending on the generation of women that we’re talking about, there are many women who simply don’t feel comfortable talking about their bodies to someone they don’t know well.

It’s important to communicate with a trusted medical professional about menopause questions that you have. This will ensure that you’re making the right changes toward feeling like your normal self again. It also ensures that you don’t have any other dangerous health issues going on that you might be writing off as a change in hormones.

The Importance of Joining Communities that Promote Awareness about Menopause

“Having your questions about menopause answered may help you to understand what is happening with your body.”

Whether it be your friends that are all going through the same life changes at the same time or a support group in your area, talking to someone who understands what you’re going through is very important. It ensures that you are getting the support that you need. It also helps you find ways to improve unwanted symptoms you’re having.

It’s incredibly important women feel comfortable talking to their doctor about their menopause questions. Having your questions about menopause answered may help you to understand what is happening with your body. This may also help you figure out how to cope with your symptoms when you ask questions about menopause.

Source & Reference:

19 Questions Women Are Afraid to Ask About Menopause


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