This Exercise Can Reverse the Negative Effects of Menopause

This Exercise Can Reverse the Negative Effects of Menopause

For many women who choose not to exercise during menopausal symptoms, they are susceptible to pain and a decrease in muscle mass. Some studies have shown that twenty minutes of sprinting or biking can reverse negative effects involved.

“Interval sprinting is a time-efficient form of exercising that can offer many benefits to women who are suffering from the symptoms”

A study by UNSW Sydney Medical found that fitness activity three times a week for eight hours can reverse the outcomes associated with menopause. Below we will briefly discuss the benefits of exercising during menopause symptoms and other ways to minimize the effects.

How Interval Sprinting Reverse the Negative Effects of Menopause

Interval sprinting is a time-efficient form of exercising that can offer many benefits to women who are suffering from the symptoms. Biking will decrease the nagging symptoms associated and can ease some hormonal havoc that most women will experience during their lifetime.

In a Spanish study, women between the ages of 55 to 72 who worked out regularly, were in a better mood and mental well-being. Their fatigue and insomnia dropped 37 percent during the study of 48 women.

For postmenopausal women, skeletal health is also a big concern and women can have a higher risk for osteoporosis. By adding plyometric movement to the exercise routine, women can decrease the risks of skeletal demise.

What Other Studies Say

“Exercising can cause a push of exhaustion and adrenal fatigue, therefore maintaining a healthy balance of rest and relaxation is imperative”

Some studies proclaim that regular and sensible exercise is vital for sufferers. But some doctors do not advise patients to overdo it. Women who run marathons or cycle for miles can increase the feeling of fatigue and cause more harm than good.

During a workout session, a woman with menopause symptoms can use a lot of body energy, therefore depleting their basic nutritional needs. The person will need a lot of rest and relaxation to cope with the drastic change.

Exercising can cause a push of exhaustion and adrenal fatigue, therefore maintaining a healthy balance of rest and relaxation is imperative.  If someone is experiencing adrenal fatigue, then it will not disappear overnight.

However, by addressing it in advance with a balanced sleep pattern can minimize overexertion. Also, consider adding a good protein powder or shake to keep your nutritional needs met. And avoid artificially sweetened and sugary drinks.

Other Ways to Reverse the Negative Effects of Menopause

The body will use hormones to communicate messages throughout the human system. If other hormones change or irregular, then the body will try to compensate for the fluctuating hormone. For example, if you are experiencing a situation that raises your stress hormones, then it can impact your blood sugar levels and change the cortisol in your body. That is why it is imperative to focus on a healthy lifestyle and a diet to improve hormonal symptoms.

Here are a few tips to help reverse the symptoms:

“If you think cycling is too strenuous, then get a pedometer and try to walk at least 10,000 steps per day”

Stabilize your blood sugar. An increase or spike in blood sugar can create a hormonal cascade.

Relax and De-Stress Your Day. It’s difficult to balance work, small children, and the care of elderly parents. Most women who experience menopausal symptoms have high levels of stress in their lives. Take 10-15 minutes of “me” time to relax. A quick way to get into a healthy headspace is to meditate. If meditation is not an option, then turn on some relaxing music or read a book.

Get your rest. Sleeping will reduce menopausal symptoms. However, not sleeping can make symptoms worse and turn into a vicious cycle of stress. Practice laying down at a manageable time and maybe even look into magnesium supplements. Magnesium is a mineral that will promote relaxation.

Make a commitment. If you think cycling is too strenuous, then get a pedometer and try to walk at least 10,000 steps per day. Starting off slow is acceptable and can train your body to endure more activity in the long run.

Menopausal symptoms are not something you should fear. It is an illness that is natural and inevitable for some women.  The symptoms can be difficult and hard to manage. But with a regular fitness routine and diet, you may prevent the pain and fatigue associated with it.

Try a few of these tips out to make life easier and enjoyable. If for any reason the pain or fatigue is becoming unbearable or causing depression, then seek your doctor immediately to discuss other alternatives. There may be a medical option or natural supplement you can take to reduce the symptoms.

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