Menopause and Self-Confidence: How to Feel and Look Your Best All the Time

Menopause and Self-Confidence: How to Feel and Look Your Best All the Time

Let’s talk about a time that some women dread that others welcome with open arms. It is the time in a woman’s life when her menstrual periods cease to occur. While this occurrence can be a reason to celebrate, many women discover that while a number of extremely unpleasant physical symptoms come to an end, there are a number of emotional issues that can come to take their place.

There are new life-affecting symptoms that must be dealt with. Being prepared for these situations before they occur can make all the difference.


“Along with the physical changes that this stage of a woman’s life brings, there are psychological issues that frequently occur as well.”

The onset of this time in a woman’s life can bring with it some surprising emotions – including a decrease in self-confidence. No matter how self-assured and confident she has always been, the transition can significantly affect these feelings. It can come with unpleasant symptoms such as hair loss, weight gain, “hot flashes”, decreased energy levels, and more.

Given these changes, it comes as no surprise that many women find their self-confidence severely damaged once this time sets in. Menopause and Self-Confidence don’t usually go hand-in-hand, but with a few pointers, you can overcome those feelings and sail through it with as little discomfort as possible.

Along with the physical changes that this stage of a woman’s life brings, there are psychological issues that frequently occur as well. It is an event that has always had a negative stigma attached to it, causing many women to automatically expect a number of problems once this time arrives for her. Knowing that her child-bearing years have come to an end can cause a great deal of depression even if she has no intention of having more children (or of having children at all).

Menopausal women may also frequently experience a decreased or completely nonexistent sex drive. This can leave her feeling unattractive and undesirable. She can begin to see her body differently. This can make her unhappy with the way her clothing fits, how makeup and hairstyles look, etc. All of these factors together can seriously affect a woman’s confidence.


Women who find themselves experiencing these feelings need to remember that this is not a permanent situation. There are a number of things that can help restore a positive frame of mind and help to rebuild self-confidence.

“Relax and have a leisurely lunch and then spend the afternoon shopping for a few new outfits, especially if you are experiencing feelings of having a negative body image.”

Menopause and Self-Confidence: How to Feel and Look Your Best All the Time

Exercise is the number one way to restore balance and increase self-confidence. Experts recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least 5 times per week. Brisk walking is ideal for nearly everyone. Exercise should take place outdoors whenever possible. This provides the added benefits of fresh air and vitamins obtained from the sunlight.

Another way to boost self-confidence when menopausal is by treating yourself to a bit of pampering. Enjoy a spa day. Get a massage, a manicure/pedicure, try out a new hairstyle and/or color. Relax and have a leisurely lunch and then spend the afternoon shopping for a few new outfits, especially if you are experiencing feelings of having a negative body image. Try on several pieces and find just what makes you look and feel beautiful.

Menopause and Self-Confidence can be conflicting terms, but even though you are experiencing some less-than-pleasant feelings during this time, you are still the same vibrant, confident woman you have always been. You may require a little extra TLC for the time being but underneath all those crazy chemical and hormonal changes, you still rock!


“Do not hesitate to seek help if you are experiencing severe bouts of depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, or any other issue that may be causing problems in your day-to-day life.”

Menopause and Self-Confidence: How to Feel and Look Your Best All the Time

If you feel that these issues have taken root at a deeper level, then it is important that you speak with a mental health care professional. Sometimes seemingly harmless mental health issues can become problematic before we know it. For this reason, it is best to speak with a counselor or therapist if you are feeling completely overwhelmed.

Do not hesitate to seek help if you are experiencing severe bouts of depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, or any other issue that may be causing problems in your day-to-day life. Almost all of the unpleasantness associated with being menopausal dissipates, but there is no reason for you to suffer unnecessarily in the meantime.

Remember, every woman experiences “the change” at some point in her life, and it can affect each one differently. You are not alone and help is readily available.

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