Thinning Hair: How to Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

Thinning Hair How to Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

Menopause is a regular, natural process that all women experience at one point or another in their lifetimes. This is a specific period of time where the female body undergoes numerous changes that are directly attributed to changing hormonal levels. Some of the common physical changes that happen during this time are hot flashes and mood swings. However, another common occurrence that is hair loss.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss During Menopause?

“While menopause symptoms are the primary factor for hair loss in women, there are a number of other factors that can predispose one to have thinning hair.”

Thinning Hair How to Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

When these hormone levels drop, the effects of male hormones, which are scarce, but present in females, increase. As a result of this, hair grows much more slowly, and the follicles of the hair begin to shrink. This ultimately causes not only hair loss but weaker hair once it regrows.

While menopause symptoms are the primary factor for hair loss in women, there are a number of other factors that can predispose one to have thinning hair. These factors include elevated stress levels, nutritional deficiencies or genetic disorders. Of course, follow-ups with a medical provider to deduce the true underlying cause.

Natural Remedies for Hair Loss During Menopausal Period

In terms of what can be done naturally to treat thinning hair during menopause, the key behind each intervention is to lessen the menopausal symptoms themselves. While medications to treat the hormonal imbalance are commonly used, there are a series of everyday activities that one can perform in order to combat hair loss.

“Staying active and incorporating regular exercise into your daily regimen will also help you immensely because they will maintain hormonal balance, which is a very good thing when it comes to hair growth.”

Thinning Hair: How to Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

Stress control is highly essential. Self-care activities such as breathing exercises and yoga have been proven to be effective in fighting menopausal symptoms. This proves to be very important because the reduced production of estrogen is liable to cause changes in one’s nervous system. Mainly, it can cause one to experience more mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Eating a balanced diet and remaining active is also important. A diet that is low in fat and balanced in other areas can prove to be one of the greatest defenses against hair loss. It is recommended to get a healthy amount of vegetables, fruits and whole grains in. Hair growth can also be replenished by drinking green tea or taking supplementation to replenish vitamin B6 and folic acid levels.

Thinning Hair: How to Prevent Hair Loss During Menopause

Staying active and incorporating regular exercise into your daily regimen will also help you immensely because they will maintain hormonal balance, which is a very good thing when it comes to hair growth. The level of intensity of the workouts is not important so much as you maintain a consistent routine. You can join a gym, or even devote some time a day to take a brisk walk.

When to See Your Doctor

” The origin of hair loss can be potentially come from medication side effects. ”

Hair loss is normal, but a doctor’s visit should be scheduled if there is a potential discrepancy in regards to the cause. The origin of hair loss can be potentially come from medication side effects. Speak with your doctor to see whether or not that is the cause. That way, if there is a potential trigger, it can be properly identified.

The human body undergoes a series of changes when a woman is on her period. Unfortunately, the loss of hair happens to be one of the many, normal side effects that take place during this time period. There are a series of ways it can be treated. Consider some of these tips, and you will be able to control hair loss effectively.

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