Weight Gain During Menopause: Is It Normal?

Weight Gain During Menopause

Virtually every woman will go through menopause. It tends to occur in the late 40s to about the early to mid 50s. In addition to hot flashes and night sweats, many women will also deal with weight gain. This can be quite bothersome, and they may wonder whether or not this is normal. Here is more information about menopause symptoms and weight gain.

Why Most Women Gain Weight During Menopause?

“It is often quite depressing as it may seem harder and harder to maintain a normal weight during the menopausal years”

During the menopausal years, women experience hormonal changes. This can lead to them gaining weight. They most often will see this gain in their thighs, hips or abdomen. In addition to hormonal changes, they may be at the point in their life to where they are slowing down.

Less activity means that they are burning less calories, and they may end up gaining weight. For many women, this is an uphill battle. It is often quite depressing as it may seem harder and harder to maintain a normal weight during the menopausal years.

What You Can Do to Prevent Gaining Weight During Your Menopausal Years?

“It’s also necessary to have a healthy diet. While indulging every once in a while is okay; it shouldn’t be the norm”

Fortunately, there are a lot of things that women can do in order to prevent gaining weight during their menopausal years. Women need to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s important that they exercise several times a week. Even taking a brisk walk everyday can help them combat weight gain.

It’s also necessary to have a healthy diet. While indulging every once in a while is okay; it shouldn’t be the norm. Portion control also is important. Some women may even need to see their doctor to get advice, if they aren’t able to maintain a healthy weight. They may advise them to try hormone replacement therapy.

Top Physical Activities to Stay Fit During Menopause

For menopausal women, exercise should be a top priority. It will allow them to stay fit, and it will keep them from gaining weight. The following exercises are most beneficial for women dealing with weight gain during menopause:

Biking, Hiking Or Other Cardiovascular Exercises These types of exercises will help you get your heart rate up. Not only is this beneficial in order to maintain a healthy weight, but can help keep heart disease at bay. Just remember that it may take time to build up your stamina. Start out slowly, and gradually increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise you take part in weekly.

Strength Training Menopausal women do tend to have bone loss. This can lead to osteoporosis, and it will make them more susceptible to broken bones. Strength training will burn calories, and it can help you build muscles and slow bone loss. Strength training doesn’t have to involve spending hours at the gym lifting weights.

Obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Nichelson says, “Getting started with strength training doesn’t have to involve pumping iron like a bodybuilder”. Just using five pound hand weights while you are walking can be extremely beneficial.

Yoga Many menopausal women have trouble sleeping. This insomnia can cause them to binge eat at night and gain weight. A great way to combat this is through yoga. It will allow them to reduce tension, and they will learn deep breathing techniques that will encourage relaxation.

“To keep weight gain during menopause from occurring, it is important that you maintain healthy eating habits and exercise several times each week”

No matter what type of exercise you choose to partake in, you don’t have to do a lot of it in order to see results. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that women under the age of 65 exercise for about 150 minutes a week in some sort of aerobic exercise. This is equal to just 50 minutes of exercise, three times a week. Menopausal women should also try to get in two strength training sessions each week.

In conclusion, menopause symptoms can make a woman’s life difficult. While these symptoms do tend to be uncomfortable, women don’t have to just deal with weight gain during menopause. It is completely normal to gain some weight, but there are numerous things that you can do to keep it from happening.

To keep weight gain during menopause from occurring, it is important that you maintain healthy eating habits and exercise several times each week. Doing both of these things will help you maintain a healthy weight.

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