Hypnosis for Menopause: Is It Effective?

Hypnosis for Menopause: Is It Effective

We have all seen someone hypnotized, even if just in a movie or TV. A top-hatted magician pulls a volunteer on stage. After quickly hypnotizing them, the magician orders them to cluck like a chicken or speak with a British accent.

The audience laughs and the poor unsuspecting volunteers return to normal with a clap, none the wiser and slightly bewildered. Many people are surprised to find out hypnosis is also used to treat several serious health concerns.

What is Clinical Hypnosis?

“Clinical hypnosis is used to treat such maladies as anxiety, depression, breaking bad habits, and even menopause.”

Hypnosis for Menopause: Is It Effective?

Hypnotherapy or clinical hypnosis is the use of an altered state of consciousness to address health issues. It produces an extremely calm state of mind and body by drawing the attention inward. In a trance-like state, the mind can be directed with more intense focus.

Clinical hypnosis is used to treat such maladies as anxiety, depression, breaking bad habits, and even menopause, which occurs as a natural part of a woman’s life between the ages of 45 and 50. Menstruation stops, and a variety of unpleasant symptoms occur and can last years. Symptoms include:

•    Hot flashes

•    Night sweats

•    Loss of sex drive

•    Mood swings

•    Depression

•    Vaginal dryness

•    Weight gain

•    Headaches

•    Sleep issues

Some symptoms can become exaggerated and cause further issue. Studies have shown clinical hypnosis is useful in treating symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, as well as anxiety and mood swings.

How Clinical Hypnosis Can Ease Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

“The benefits and effects of hypnosis are accepted by the clinical and medical research communities.”

Hypnosis for Menopause: Is It Effective?

Clinical hypnosis is similar to having your brain massaged. It is a relaxing experience that allows for deeply buried emotions and beliefs to be uncovered in an effort to address underlying health concerns. Hypnosis reduces hot flashes and night sweats for some women by teaching them to visualize cool showers, snowy days, and other temperature reducing environments.

Many women simply do not want to take any type of drug or hormone replacement to fight these symptoms. Using clinical menopause hypnosis is an alternative. It is important to use a registered and licensed clinician. A large variety of professionals also carry hypnosis certifications because it is helpful in many scenarios. Dentists, psychologists, social workers, therapists, chiropractors, and physicians all make use of hypnosis.

The benefits and effects of hypnosis are accepted by the clinical and medical research communities, but opinions vary on just exactly how it works. Some believe we all carry a trait that makes us susceptible to hypnotic suggestion to a certain degree, much like our traits for body size, hair color, etc. Others believe each person is inclined to reach hypnotic goals according to their own interpersonal and intellectual components.

What Studies and Researches Say?

“According to a study by the Mind-Body Research Lab at Baylor University, hypnosis for menopause works.”

Hypnosis for Menopause: Is It Effective?

When women hit a certain age, changes in estrogen and progesterone occur. Estrogen levels drop and body temperatures rise causing the brain to send in rivers of sweat to cool it down. Progesterone levels also fluctuate. When these two levels are not in balance the body goes haywire.

Several studies have been conducted on the use of hypnosis for controlling symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. There are many triggers that cause these uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms. Hypnosis for menopause can help women control the triggers and manage hot flashes.

According to a study by the Mind-Body Research Lab at Baylor University, hypnosis for menopause works. The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, showed as much as 74% of the women studied experienced reduced hot flashes by using menopause hypnosis.

The British Medical Journal has reported that hypnosis and cognitive behavior therapy are the only two alternative treatments that work. These medical studies all point to the power the mind has in influencing the bodies reactions. Teaching the mind to regulate breathing, for instance, regulates hot flashes, stress, and anxiety by slowing the process and allowing the woman to regain control.

This time of a woman’s life and the symptoms that accompany it do not have to be a disastrous experience. So many women fear hormone treatments and suffer needlessly instead, believing there is no alternative. Hypnosis doesn’t provide the same effects to every woman, but it can provide a noticeable relief from so many of the symptoms of this age women fear the most, safely, without drugs, and you don’t have to cluck like a chicken.






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