Does Keto Diet Can Ease Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

Does Keto Diet Can Ease Negative Symptoms of Menopause?

There are few things as difficult for women to deal with as they approach middle age as menopause. The hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, hair growth and hot flashes are enough to drive anyone to the brink.

“there is ample evidence to suggest that starting a keto diet can reverse negative symptoms of menopause.”

A western diet full of sugar is one of the worst approaches to nutrition in general, but all those carbs make it all significantly worse. Excessive sugar causes a whole host of health disorders, but there is ample evidence to suggest that starting a keto diet can reverse them. Keto can help with these symptoms, and along the way you’ll reap a wide range of other benefits as well.

What is Keto, And How Does It Help with Menopause?

The keto diet is a way of eating that induces a state of ketosis in the body. This is when your body has a very small amount of carbohydrate to run on and it starts to break down fat into ketone bodies for fuel. Eventually your body comes to rely on fat instead of sugar for fuel and you see your blood sugar and insulin drop, reducing inflammation and increasing energy.

Chronically high blood sugar damages every organ system and leads to a myriad of diseases, including but not limited to:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Obesity
  • An increase in autoimmune symptoms
  • Hormonal imbalances that can affect exacerbate symptoms of aging in women

“KETO Lowers circulating hormones like cortisol and of course insulin. This will lower your likelihood of experiencing hot flashes and weight retention.”

Keto helps heal these problems in a few ways, first by breaking your dependency on sugar and the harm it causes, and then by reducing chronic inflammation. When inflammation subsides, so do the symptoms of these diseases. This makes considering the keto diet for menopause exceptionally useful, assisting specifically by:

  • Lowers circulating hormones like cortisol and of course insulin. This will lower your likelihood of experiencing hot flashes and weight retention
  • Reduced inflammation should improve secondary, unrelated symptoms that will put additional burdens on you when you’re going through the change
  • Keto is highly effective at improving mental health, so associated irritability and mood problems are lessened when you cut carbs
  • While it’s good for any age group, the keto diet for menopause is extremely effective at combating the increase in weight gain most women experience

What Do the Studies Say About Ketogenic Diets?

“keto works exceptionally well for lowering blood sugar and improving overall health.”

Keto has been used to treat children with epilepsy for over a hundred years with no ill effect, with kids sometimes being on the diet for decades. Due to the poorly researched nutritional data of the ’50s and ’60s, fat was maligned for decades. Recent research has proven however that natural fats like coconut oil, butter, and lard are actually quite healthy.

In addition, keto works exceptionally well for lowering blood sugar and improving overall health. The UK government’s diabetes panel recommends it for their patients, and coupled with exercise it’s one of the most efficient tools to lower body fat.

The bottom line is that more and more unbiased studies are proving the fat isn’t the enemy it once was thought to be, and that keto has a tremendous wealth of benefits.

How can you know if the keto diet is right for you?

Keto can be difficult if you don’t educate yourself a bit first but there is a wealth of knowledge out there for beginners who are curious. If you have any of the above-listed diseases, you’re trying to lose weight, or you’re dealing with menopause and keto diet changes might help, then the diet is probably going to provide you with a wide range of benefits.

When to See Your Dietician or Nutritionist

Anytime you’re experiencing a change in typical bodily functioning for a prolonged period, or are considering a major dietary or exercise change, you should consult your doctor. Talking to a registered dietician might be beneficial to help you understand how changing to keto will affect certain day-to-day aspects of your life like sleep.

Menopause and keto diet changes have some beneficial interactions but it’s important to know how new foods might interact with your current diet and lifestyle.

Keto can help

Ketosis is beneficial for nearly anyone who suffers from obesity, age-related hormonal issues, or systemic inflammation problems. Keto can specifically help with the difficulties experienced in menopause such as weight gain, hot flashes, and cognitive impairment due to the unique anti-inflammatory of the diet.

By reducing sugar intake, hormonal imbalances can be corrected, which means the keto diet for menopause can lead to an overall better quality of health.

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