This Natural Remedy Eases Menopause More Effectively Than Hormone Replacement Therapy

This Natural Remedy Eases Menopause More Effectively Than Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy is the process by which women who cease to produce estrogen replace the hormone with a synthetic form of progestin, estradiol, or other substances prescribed by a physician. HRT is used to ease the symptoms that typically come with hormonal changes. These include hot flashes, mood swings and night sweats.

HRT does not come without risk. Its use is meant to be only temporary. This is because, according to several studies, women who undergo HRT run a higher risk of cancer, heart attacks, and blood clots, compared to women who opt out of HRT.

For this reason, some women prefer a natural remedy to face the change head on. They prefer alternative options that do not involve synthetic hormones.

Flax seeds Ease Menopausal Symptoms More Effectively that Hormone Replacement Therapy

“The final result of the experiment shows that the flax seed group improved their symptoms by 17% compared to the non-intervention group.”

This Natural Remedy Eases Menopause More Effectively Than Hormone Replacement Therapy

A three-month study by the Departments of Nursing and Pharmacy at Turkey’s Izmir Katip Celebi University showed that there is one natural remedy for menopause that can mimic estrogen in menopausal women: flax seeds.

Notably, researchers found that flax seeds contain high amounts of what is known as phytoestrogens, which are essentially estrogen found in plants. Basically, phytoestrogens act quite similarly to estrogen, by attaching themselves to estrogen receptors.

The studies also showed that the variable group of females who consumed “five grams of flax per day” experienced less menopausal symptoms compared to the group that was put under Hormone Replacement Therapy. In turn, the control group, which took neither flax nor HRT, suffered an increase in menopausal symptoms. Flax seeds for menopause seems to be the best alternative to avoid entering HRT.

The final result of the experiment shows that the flax seed group improved their symptoms by 17% compared to the non-intervention group. Contrastingly, the HRT group only saw their symptoms decrease by 10%. This is significant considering that flax seed is not a medication and it does not constitute any form of synthetic alternative to estrogen.

What Makes Flax seeds one of the Best Natural Remedies for Menopause?

“As a fiber, flax seed naturally aids all major metabolic processes in the body from basic digestion to menopause.”

This Natural Remedy Eases Menopause More Effectively Than Hormone Replacement Therapy

Flax seed is a crop that has been used as a medicine since 5000 B.C. They are fiber crops that are rich in Omega 3 acids, and can be edible by pulverizing the crop into flour. It is the ground version of flax seed that is most associated to medicine, since the seeds themselves are the ones which contain phytoestrogens that adhere to receptors.

The phytoestrogens in flax seed, also known as lignans are said to “compete with estrogen” when it comes to chemical reactions. In turn, every medical issue associated with estrogen,such as breast cancer and blood clots, are thought to be prevented by the consumption of flax seeds.

As a fiber, flax seed naturally aids all major metabolic processes in the body from basic digestion to menopause. Menopausal changes are defined as metabolic changes. As such, these types of metabolic changes come with their fair share of other digestive issues. The top two symptoms that flax seed tackles the most are hot flashes and night sweats.

How to Incorporate Flax seed into Your Diet?

“Some people take flax seed for menopause in natural form and simply chew the seeds.”

This Natural Remedy Eases Menopause More Effectively Than Hormone Replacement Therapy

Flax seed needs to be taken in the right amounts, and on a daily basis, for the product to do its job. Although the Izmir Katip Celebi University study used only 5 grams of flax seed as a natural remedy for menopause, another suggestion is that it should be consumed in ground form at around 40 grams per day, with enough water to make it soluble like you would consume any other fibrous product.

Some people take flax seed for menopause in natural form and simply chew the seeds. These seeds are typically sold clean and ready to eat. However, due to the fibrous nature of the crop, it is advisable to chase the seeds with at least 8 ounces of water.

Fortunately, modern food science has made it possible to acquire ground flax seed in a diversity of forms that make it quite simple to incorporate them into your diet with ease.

  1. Use ground flax seed as a substitute for flour when making meatballs, burgers, quinoa vegan burgers, breads, and cookies.
  2. Sprinkle flax seed on salads, or use them as toppings for fruit bowls and smoothies.
  3. Use the seeds to make “energy bites” mixed with almonds, honey, and dried fruit


There has never been a better time to face “the change” the safest way possible. Flax seeds are a very natural alternative to HRT which can save thousands of women from the unnecessary complications that surface during alternative treatments. Just a couple of bowls of all-natural flax seed can change the game and make women feel better.

Sources & References:–hormones

HRT: Benefits and risks


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