Decrease in Libido During Menopause? Here’s How You Can Deal With It

Decrease in Libido During Menopause

A decrease in libido, or sex drive, is a common occurrence that accompanies both men and women with age. However, while both men and women experience this gradual decrease, women are much more likely to be affected by this decrease then men.

The reduced sex drive in females commonly begins around their late 40s and 50s when they begin experiencing the menopause symptoms. Many factors impact the complexity with which women experience a lowered libido such as physical changes during this period or existing anxiety.

Understanding why libido decreases during this time is vital in moving forward with possible management skills for the future.

Reasons Your Libido Decreases During Menopause

“Research has shown that a dropping level of testosterone may also contribute to a decreased rate of sexual enjoyment”

Estrogen is the primary sex hormone found in women and is one of the focus areas of the first of menopause symptoms experienced. During this time, a lowered sex drive is indirectly caused by a decline of estrogen levels in females.

With lower levels of estrogen comes a reduced rate of blood flow to the vagina, leading to a decreased level of sensitivity to stimulation. With this, also comes a decrease in lubrication of the vagina. With these two factors (less sensitivity and lubrication), women may experience difficulty achieving orgasms, enjoying sex overall, and may even be in pain or discomfort during sex.

Research has shown that a dropping level of testosterone may also contribute to a decreased rate of sexual enjoyment, as it is a hormone that is active during each sexual response.

Natural Remedies and Alternatives to Boost Your Libido

“doctors have reported that women who use hormone therapy report higher levels of sexual desire”

A drying and less sensitive vagina are the some of the physical effects of this stage, however stress, can also impact the complexity of a reduced libido.

Studies show that menopausal women who were currently in relationships with a partner, who were between the ages of 34 and 64, and who were depressed experienced a far greater decrease in libido than women without these factors. Some natural remedies and alternatives to boost your libido include:

  • Herbal Remedies
  • Increased physical activities
  • Having a healthy diet
  • Hormone therapy

Herbal remedies

Emerging data from Dr. Elizabeth West and Michael Krychman have concluded that the following herbal remedies could have a role in improving sexual desires and functions; impacting menopause and libido:

Increased physical activities

Exercising regularly helps both men and women take on a more positive body image of themselves. For women experiencing a decrease in libi, this may prove beneficial in reducing stress and increasing drive.

Having a healthy diet

Eating healthy can also encourage a healthy body image and helps enter missing essential nutrients that could support a strong libido.

Hormone therapy

According to an article by the Journal of Women’s Health, doctors have reported that women who use hormone therapy report higher levels of sexual desire.

Activities You Can Do With Your Partner to Increase Intimacy During Menopause

“Understanding the relationship between menopause and libido is important in finding appropriate tools to support yourself”

Focusing on more foreplay or simply planning for more date nights with your partner may strengthen your relationship, lower your stress, and therefore increase your libido. Examples of activities to counteract the decrease in libido during menopause include:

  • Setting quality time aside for one another.
  • Going to the movies.
  • Completing other activities outside of the bedroom together.

While many women experience a decrease in libido during menopause in life, not all do. Some, on the other hand, experience an increase in sex drive which may be accounted for by a newfound freedom of sorts.

You can use alternative methods to increase your libido from exercising regularly to taking supplements. Understanding the relationship between menopause and libido is important in finding appropriate tools to support yourself!

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