The end of childbearing years is marked by menopause, a period of time that is celebrated by some and grieved by most. Changes in the response of a woman's body, other symptoms, and emotional mood swings are...
"There are plenty of physical changes you go through during menopause and parenting can be difficult" The average age for going through what can be referred to as the change is 51,...
Menopause can be a difficult experience. Even with the benefit of modern medicine, the symptoms, such as hot flashes and irritability, are often harsh. Now, scientists believe there may be a link between...
It is no secret that women going into perimenopause can find it increasingly difficult to relax, rest and get a good night's sleep. The natural fluctuations in the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone can...
Ladies, let's face it: Going through menopause while trying to juggle the responsibilities that we've acquired throughout our life can be tough. Combine with this the fact that we're still required to show up for work, exercise...
Many women find that menopause and mental health challenges impact every facet of their emotional and intellectual lives. As they work through this change, cultural pressures can make it difficult to share their experiences. This can lead...
Climacteric is a little like an initiation. You go from one phase of your life to another. It is the time when reproductive functions cease. You are still the same woman if not more so because now...
Let's talk about a time that some women dread that others welcome with open arms. It is the time in a woman's life when her menstrual periods cease to occur. While this occurrence can be a reason...
Several women experience anxiety when they enter the phase of life where the menstrual cycle stops. Some women going through the "change of life" also find that they are scared to get behind the wheel and are...
"around 40% of schizophrenia cases in women are only diagnosed after age 45, which is the average age at which perimenopause begins." Schizophrenia is a complex and severe mental disorder that...

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