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The connection between hives and menopause is not one of the more well-known symptoms of perimenopause. For this reason, many women don't automatically link the two together. But the onset of perimenopause, the period...
The end of a woman's childbearing years and menstrual cycle is signaled by menopause. This is indicated by a full year without a period. Although the average age for the beginning of the change is 51, it...
Recent statistics suggest that one out of every nine women (around 15 million women) may struggle with diabetes. Diabetes brings with it necessary lifestyle changes and in this way it can have much the...
Menopause constipation is one of the lesser-known symptoms that can arise during perimenopause and postmenopause. In this article, learn what causes perimenopause constipation and 10 fantastic natural remedies to ease your discomfort.
Menopause is a part of the natural aging process. Although navigating this life change can be challenging, it doesn't mean that women can't still enjoy sex. Natural lubricants for menopause can counteract the dryness that occurs as...
The changes a woman goes through at the end of her reproductive period are called menopause. This is a completely normal condition that every woman experiences in the later years of her life. However, due to the...
Menopause is diagnosed when you have not had a menstrual cycle for 12 months and occurs when your ovaries have stopped producing and releasing eggs. It is during this time, and also the months and years before,...
Menopause is a regular, natural process that all women experience at one point or another in their lifetimes. This is a specific period of time where the female body undergoes numerous changes that are directly attributed to...
Is soy helpful to ease the symptoms of perimenopause? As more women enter this transitional phase of life and confront the challenges of perimenopause, soybeans are garnering interest from patients and providers alike. Why...
Poor sleep is not uncommon among women undergoing Menopause. You may be suffering from symptoms such as hot flashes or night sweats and wake up freezing because you got too warm and tossed off the blankets. In...

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