Experiencing the natural changes that accompany menopause does not have to signal the end of sex for a woman. Yes, it is a time of transition that includes many changes; however, there is no need to worry...
For many women, the end of their menstruation cycles may be considered a relief. No more surprising messes that you need to deal with. No more excruciating cramps that made you immobile for at least a day....
"23 percent of women will experience mood swings during their menopausal phase." Menopause can be one of the most difficult periods of a woman's life, and some even find the experience to...
A decrease in libido, or sex drive, is a common occurrence that accompanies both men and women with age. However, while both men and women experience this gradual decrease, women are much more likely to be affected...
Everyone has heard horror stories about hot flashes and cranky moods. These symptoms are associated with menopausal women and a phase in life many women dread. However, brain fog is also among the list of menopause symptoms....
Menopause and mental health is an evolving field of study and research in the psychiatric health field today. Perimenopause and postmenopause can be particularly chaotic times in a women's life both physically and mentally.
Virtually every woman will go through menopause. It tends to occur in the late 40s to about the early to mid 50s. In addition to hot flashes and night sweats, many women will also deal with weight...
Early cases of becoming menopausal can be disconcerting. While it's a totally natural part of a woman's life, it typically occurs no earlier than a woman's mid-40s. For anyone hoping to conceive children,...
The human body produces a wide variety of different hormones that each have their own important job to do. These hormones can control everything from ovulation to oral health, although the latter is not one of the...
"while menopause itching can seem like a less worrisome side effect than some perimenopause symptoms, it is certainly one of the more unpleasant ones." Menopause itching is a common complaint...

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