Menopause Bloating and Water Retention: Natural Remedies

Menopause Bloating and Water Retention: Natural Remedies

The end of a woman’s childbearing years and menstrual cycle is signaled by menopause. This is indicated by a full year without a period. Although the average age for the beginning of the change is 51, it can begin as early as a woman’s 30’s and as late as her 60’s.

No matter when you go through this life change, one thing remains the same. You will experience symptoms. Just some of these include:

One symptom that’s often overlooked is menopause water retention, and it can cause a high degree of discomfort. However, armed with knowledge, you can overcome. As quoted by chief medical officer Marisa Weiss, M.D., “Menopause is a wake-up call to a new phase of your life.”

Let’s examine this symptom and learn how you can overcome it using natural remedies.

What are the Causes of Menopause Bloating?

“Bloating isn’t confined to perimenopause. If you no longer have periods, you very well may be suffering with actual menopause bloating.”

Menopause Bloating and Water Retention: Natural Remedies

Before we can begin to identify the best natural remedies for your menopause water retention, we first must examine what causes it in the first place. First off, bloating often serves as a sign that the end of your menstrual cycle is on the horizon but not yet arrived. Known as perimenopause, you will still experience periods. However, this symptom is a good sign the change is coming soon.

If you are fortunate enough to get a heads-up, there are several things you can do to get ready for the real deal. These include:

  • Add plenty of calcium in your diet.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Ensure you get plenty of sleep.
  • Don’t skimp out on exercise, especially weight bearing activities.

Bloating isn’t confined to perimenopause. If you no longer have periods, you very well may be suffering with actual menopause bloating. Regardless of which stage you’re in, the cause for this symptom lies in the fact that your body is prompted to produce higher levels of estrogen during this time. Estrogen is known to signal the body to retain water, thus resulting in bloating.

Another common cause lies in the gastrointestinal tract. Changes in your body may cause you to have excess gas. Some of these include:

  • Changes in your diet
  • Added stress
  • Decreased rate of digestion
  • Health issues
  • Excess swallowing of air

“Swelling in hands and/or feet, abdomen, and Pain in swollen areas are a few signs your bloating is caused by water retention.”

How to Tell the Difference

Menopause Bloating and Water Retention: Natural Remedies

To determine if your symptoms are the result of gas, there are some experiments you can try. For starters, try eating slower. You can also try eating smaller meals and eliminating carbonated beverages.

A few signs your bloating is caused by water retention include:

  • Swelling in hands and/or feet
  • Swelling in abdomen
  • Pain in swollen areas

Natural Remedies to Ease Menopause Bloating

“Don’t consume excessive amounts of vitamin C since it’s known to increase water output from the kidneys.”

The great news is that you don’t have to suffer in silence, nor do you have to just wait until the ride is over. There are numerous natural remedies that can provide you the relief you seek and deserve.

Menopause Bloating and Water Retention: Natural Remedies

If you’ve determined your bloating is caused by water retention, just a few ways you can remedy the situation include:

  • Keep salt intake minimal. This can be done by reading labels and reducing junk foods.
  • Don’t consume excessive amounts of vitamin C since it’s known to increase water output from the kidneys.
  • Use around 15 drops of tincture of dandelion to decrease water levels.
  • Eat plenty of foods like corn, asparagus, watermelon, and grapes.
  • Reduce consumption of parsley, black tea, and coffee.
  • Use essential oils like lavender and rosemary. You can use in the form of mouthwash, inhalants, or vaporizers.

You Can Overcome Menopause Water Retention

Menopause, from start to finish, lasts about four years. As daunting as this may sound, the great news is that you don’t have to sit back and let your symptoms rule your life. Now that you understand how and why you’re experiencing them, you’re better equipped to face them with natural remedies that work.

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