How to Have a Healthy Sex Life After Menopause

How to Have a Healthy Sex Life After Menopause

Menopausal changes can be a challenge, but it can also be a very freeing time of life. As you work through the process, be sure to be patient with your body and the changes you’re undergoing. Remember, puberty wasn’t exactly comfortable and it took some time. So will the menopausal process.

“You will likely suffer from a loss of natural lubrication and may even suffer some discomfort due to a loss of tissue elasticity”

The Negative Impact of Menopause in Your Sex Life

One of the challenges in your Sex Life After Menopause is that the things that used to provide pleasure may not be as effective. You will likely suffer from a loss of natural lubrication and may even suffer some discomfort due to a loss of tissue elasticity.

It’s important to note that the menopausal process is a natural physical progression. If you have suffered from pain during your periods or during ovulation, you can celebrate getting free of those difficulties.

Change up your workouts or do some other activity that will help you celebrate your body, rather than thinking of it as something broken or failing because of you’re working through the menopausal process.

How to Maintain a Healthy Sex Life After Menopause

Here are two crucial Sex Life After Menopause Tips to remember when things aren’t progressing as they once did.

1) The most erotic zone of your being is actually in your brain, not below your collarbone, and

2) If contraception was once a worry, it isn’t any longer or won’t be in the near future.

Try something different. Pick up some new erotica, particularly by women writers. If erotic films just make you uncomfortable or even reduce your libido, books can give you a private thrill that you can keep to yourself or share with your partner. Also, if masturbation hasn’t been part of your sexual pleasure, start. If you take your pleasure when your libido does flare up, it will probably flare up more often.

If you’re having discomfort, Dr. Mary Jane Minkin recommends you consider any number of over the counter lubricants to make sex more comfortable. Also, more sex will help your body produce natural lubricant and strengthen the vaginal tissue.

For those who just find their libido isn’t firing up normally, Dr. Antonio Pizarro suggests taking very good care of your body. Keep exercising, eating foods that help you feel lean and strong, and be patient with yourself. You’re changing, not failing.

The Importance of Having a Great Communication With Your Partner

“Once you don’t have to worry about contraception, sex is all about communication and pleasure”

Since your brain has a big impact on sexual pleasure, maintaining a Healthy Sex Life After Menopause will have to include some frank talks about what may be a difficult subject. Your Sex Life After Menopause will not be the same.

However, why not use this time as a chance for some exploration and maybe some daring changes? If you invested in some new erotica, share it. Remember, your partner is aging as well. Men struggle with arousal issues as they age and may worry that they are not satisfactory partners, particularly if you’re struggling to find pleasure.

Once you don’t have to worry about contraception, sex is all about communication and pleasure. The changes you put in place to have a Healthy Sex Life After Menopause could be the chance for a level of intimacy you never thought possible with your partner and an awareness of your body that you’ve never pursued.

“Menopausal change can be a time of growth and exploration for women”

Some Simple Sex Life After Menopause Tips:

1) Switch to all cotton sheets, and go for crisp rather than silky. Hot flashes often hit just as you’re falling asleep, and silky sheets cling.

2) Don’t forget your tribe. If your cycle was something you resented due to pain or mess, get together with some girlfriends and have a ceremonial tampon burning in your back yard.

3) If your period was a time of mourning because you were struggling to conceive, take the time you need to grieve the pain of infertility.


It’s said that getting older isn’t easy but it sure beats the alternative. Menopausal change can be a time of growth and exploration for women. If you’re not working out, start. If you are working out, try a new routine. Take pleasure in being confident in your own power and strength.

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