A woman is said to be in menopausal when she has stopped menstruating for twelve months. However, some women continue to bleed even after menopause. Post menopausal bleeding is not a normal part of the aging process....
Experiencing the natural changes that accompany menopause does not have to signal the end of sex for a woman. Yes, it is a time of transition that includes many changes; however, there is no need to worry...
"Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center recommends Chinese Ginseng for overall health support." Many women find that menopausal symptoms can be managed with herbal supplements. To do this effectively, it's...
Oh ladies, those of us who are going through "the change of life"'s tough at times isn't it? None of us knew what we were in for when we heard our mothers talking about hot flashes, mood...
The changes a woman goes through at the end of her reproductive period are called menopause. This is a completely normal condition that every woman experiences in the later years of her life. However, due to the...
Menopause is a period of time that ushers in many changes to a woman's life. Woman can say goodbye to monthly periods and the need to buy pads and tampons, but they also are at an increased...

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